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Common problem of JS1000 concrete mixer temperature of the reducer too high

2018-07-31 16:27:06

1. Reducer temperature is too high

The reasons for the excessive temperature of the reducer in JS1000 concrete mixer mainly include two aspects. First, the reducer has a large bearing load during use time. The heavy load condition causes the friction between the bearings to be intensified, and the frictional heat causes the local high temperature of the parts and machine. Second, the viscosity of the oil is too high or too low during the use of the reducer. The viscosity of the oil can greatly increase the load on the bearing, causing the bearing to generate a huge amount of heat. When the viscosity of the oil is too large, the overall fluidity is greatly reduced, and the bearing needs more power during the operation. This part of the power is easily converted into heat energy, resulting in an increase in the acceleration temperature. When the viscosity of the oil is too small, the lubricating effect is lowered, and the frictional resistance is increased, which also causes an increase in power during the operation of the bearing.

js1000 concrete mixer

2. The speed of the reducer is too high.

In the process of repairing the temperature of the reducer of concrete agitator too high, the operator should control the bearing of twin shaft concrete mixer reducer, and periodically check the bearing to observe the overall use of the bearing. Bearings with abnormal friction should be adjusted or replaced in time to reduce the local heat that may be generated. The operator should strictly control the viscosity of the oil, calculate the density of the oil according to the equipment requirements and operating parameters, and make a reasonable selection of the viscosity level to reduce the local high temperature that may occur.

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