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How much do you know about the cement silo in the HZS35 commercial mixing plant

2018-07-11 16:41:55

The most obvious part of HZS35 commercial mixing plant is the cement silo, which is large in size and very popular. So how much do you know about the small silo mixing station cement silo?

The silos, legs, internal and external inspection ladders of the cement silo, and the hopper butterfly valve are very simple and easy to understand. We will not introduce them here. We will focus on the dust removal, arching device and level gauge of cement silo roof.

1. The dust removal in the warehouse is divided into simple canvas bag dust removal and electronic dust removal. The canvas bag dust removal is a square cloth bag sewn by the green canvas bag, which is installed in the cement warehouse top feed port attachment; electronic dust removal can adsorb the suspended particles in the tank body and reduce pollution to the surrounding environment. When there is a lot of dust on the dust collector, the vibration motor on the dust collector can be activated by the electric control system to shake off the accumulated dust.

HZS35 concrete batching plant

2. The lower cone of the cement silo in cement mixing plant is equipped with a gas blown arching device. The small electromagnetic reversing valve located in the gas control box is used to control the release of compressed air to break the arch of cement and various kinds of powder to avoid powder accumulation and blockage. The gas source can be provided by the pneumatic system of its supporting mixing equipment. The start of the air blow arching device is controlled by the electric control system according to the supply time of cement or other powder materials, that is, when the feeding time exceeds the set time, the air blows automatically. The arch can also be controlled manually.

3. The level gauge is equipped with a limit switch on the upper and lower parts of the cement silo. The switch can sense the storage height of the material in the tank and timely accurately reflect the storage condition of cement or other powder in the cement silo through electrical signals.

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