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Pay attention to commercial concrete mixing station blade wear

2018-06-19 14:45:37

Recently, there are readers response that concrete batching plant blade is easy to wear and tear.  Actually blade belongs to wearing parts, appears wear is normal, but too fast wear and tear is not normal, so customers should pay attention to blade wear when buying concrete mixing station.

During the purchase of commercial concrete mixing station, ask the material of the blade, such as Haomei machinery uses high chromium alloy wear resistant materials, coupled with the perfect mixing plant to improve the material flow, reduce the application of friction and impact of blade, and increase its service life.

In addition, we suggest customers buy some mixing blades. If the agitator blades of commercial concrete batching plant are badly worn, they can replace blades.

commercial concrete batching plant

In fact, in addition to that the buyers need to pay attention to blade wear when buying concrete mixing station, in the process of use at ordinary times, they also need to pay attention to the maintenance of blade. In the actual work, if the customer maintenance are reasonable, the service life of the stirring blades will increase greatly, so as to reduce the costs of replacement blades.

First, avoid long periods of continuous work. That’s why we don’t recommend customer for long time operation, and commercial concrete mixing station works can not be more than 24 hours at a time, in a timely manner to the mixing drum internal cleaning.

In addition, wear and tear on the blades of commercial concrete batching stations can be corrected in time. Wear and tear are unavoidable.

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