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Technical application in the design of HM-10D concrete mixer truck

2018-07-20 17:48:56

Nowadays, the construction of large building has become more and more mechanized. For the cement mixing station with large amount of cement, of course, it can’t be separated from the use of concrete mixer truck. So what are the techniques when we choose the HM-10D concrete mixer truck? Below we give you a specific introduction.

1. High efficiency and energy saving technology. The dual power mode of the engine runs to meet the needs of different working conditions such as full load and empty load. By collecting the driving data of various working conditions, matching the optimal power configuration, saving oil for the customers, matching the system matching, light weight and synchronous design technology, so Haomei Machinery special concrete mixing truck economic transmission combination is formed, and the fuel consumption is greatly reduced.

2, low center of gravity and lightweight technology. Through the re calculation, analysis, checking and optimization of the various systems of the concrete mixer lorry, the gravity center and weight of the mixer fall, the center of gravity is reduced by more than 140mm, the weight of the whole vehicle is reduced by 3-5%, the weight is reduced by more than 1t, and the fuel consumption of the vehicle is reduced by about 1%. The vehicle can not only ensure the smooth and safety of the vehicle, but also reduce the fuel by light weight. 

hm10-d concrete mixer truck

3. Reliability and comfort technology. The frame structure, the robot welded body, the cab whole is strong and reliable; the cab suspension adopts the full floating structure, which can adjust the seat to the best damping effect according to the pavement condition.

4. Steering matching technology. The steering coordination of the mixer is better, the control is more stable and the tire durability is better. At the same time, the steering angle of the chassis pipeline and the front axle is further optimized, the turning diameter of the vehicle is reduced by more than 10%, the vehicle running is flexible, and the system coordination is better.

When you use a concrete mixer truck, I don’t know if you have paid attention to these knowledge. A good concrete mixer truck can meet our construction requirements well. It is suggested that you go to a regular large manufacturer to consult when you choose a concrete mixer truck.

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