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What are the requirements for the use of raw materials in concrete mixing plants?

2018-07-13 17:13:16

In HZS120 concrete mixing plant industry, the control of raw materials is one of the main factors of the quality of concrete in the mixing station, so the quality requirements for aggregates in the procurement of enterprises are also very strict. So what are the requirements for the use of raw materials in concrete plant for sale?

Cement: Cement must be sampled according to the regulations. Each batch of cement required to be tested in time for standard consistency and temperature. If there is doubt about the quality, it is strictly forbidden to enter the warehouse, and continue to test other indicators. Cement is strictly prohibited from entering the site.

Aggregate: The coarse and coarse aggregates must be sampled and tested according to the regulations. Only qualified products can be used. For coarse aggregates, gravel or broken pebbles with reasonable gradation, good grain shape and uniform texture should be used. The various indexes of coarse aggregate should meet the requirements of relevant standard specifications; control mud content should be tested in time. It is strictly forbidden to enter the unloading truck if the inspection fails.

hzs120 concrete batching plant

Admixture: Admixture should be inspected and tested when entering the site. Check whether the following contents are indicated on the packaging of the admixture: product name, model, net content or volume, manufacturer name, production date and factory number.

Mineral admixture: It is tested according to the requirements of the relevant standard specifications. And pay attention to the comparison with the results of the previous test to determine the quality fluctuations and ensure the quality of the project. In the use of mineral admixtures, the relative stability of the external admixture should be ensured as much as possible.

The material of the mixing station should pay attention to the situation of the stock materials in a timely manner, and must have the awareness and the sense of danger, actively organize the preparation of materials, avoid the occurrence of stoppages, and pay special attention to the balance of bulk cement. The inventory of the materials must be listed, and the stacking of the materials on site should be guaranteed at all times, and the storage of raw materials should be carried out strictly according to the warehouse.

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