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Cement concrete mixer purchase notices

2018-06-12 14:13:38

Cement concrete mixer is a kind of equipment widely used to produce concrete.

1. Check the oil pump: small cement concrete mixer is equipped with four manual oil pump, if you want to set two stirring shafts matches a total of four shaft ends lubrication for protection to prevent leak slurry wear bearing, so good cement concrete mixer must have good oil pump, and large concrete mixer is generally pumping automatically.

2. Check the bolt connection of cement concrete mixer, which is why it is sometimes recommended to check on site, check the sample stock products, and check again when the equipment arrives at the site.

3. Pneumatic equipment is the key to cement concrete mixer. Sometimes, large cement concrete mixer needs to be equipped with independent air compressor to check whether these pneumatic valves can be opened normally.

js2000 concrete mixer

4. The inspection of key parts is mainly carried out with the fixing and material of agitator shafts, blades, agitator arms, etc., which are vulnerable parts of cement concrete mixer.

5. Check the water supply equipment of the cement concrete mixer, check the unloading condition of the aggregate hopper, and ensure that the cement concrete mixer can normally put all parts of raw materials into mixing.

6. The clearance between the plate and concrete mixer blade is not more than 5 mm, if more, adjust it immediately. In the normal production situation, the host plate need to be replaced after used for 37000 times, 25000 times of blade, the control room grounding resistance is 4Ω.

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