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Check the quality of each part when purchase HZS150 concrete mixing station

2018-07-11 16:30:19

Large-scale concrete mixing plants have a large investment in one time, so everyone must carefully check the quality of each part when purchase. How to check it?

Quality of concrete mixer

The quality of the concrete mixing machine mainly refers to the quality of the mixing shaft, the mixing blades, and the lining. On the one hand, it is necessary to check whether the raw materials of the equipment come from qualified suppliers. On the one hand, it is necessary to check the design. For example, whether the lining plate of Sicoma concrete mixer is made of thickened design or whether the stirring blade uses wear-resistant alloy metal, which can communicate clearly with the manufacturers.

Belt conveyor quality

Generally, customers of HZS150 concrete mixing station will choose belt feeding, although it is more expensive, the economic benefits are better. When purchasing, we mainly check the quality of the belt and the quality of the roller, especially to ensure the commissioning work after the installation of the mixing station.


Weighing system quality

If the weighing accuracy is not enough, the quality of the produced concrete will not be good, and it will be easy to reproduce. On the other hand, if the weighing of each part of the aggregate is inaccurate, the working load of concrete mixer will be too large, which will affect the life of the mixer.

Automatic control system quality

Many of the current fully automatic control systems can conveniently and clearly display the working conditions of various parts of HZS150 concrete mixing stations, especially the weighing of various parts and the process of mixing and unloading, which can be very convenient to understand the actual situation of the mixing station. Everyone must check the quality of the automatic control system.

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