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Cleaning method for trailer concrete pump

2018-07-10 14:54:40

The fine stone concrete pump product is a mortar conveying equipment specially developed for the characteristics of floor heating construction. During the construction of the fine stone concrete pump tube, the cleaning concrete is a main process that cannot be missed after pumping. The good cleaning method can be cleaned and transported cleanly. Pipes, in turn, can transport all the mortar to the pouring address.

1. Check the wear condition between the cut ring and the double eye plate. This is the key to the success of the cleaning method. It is assumed that the cut ring and the double eye plate are not severely worn, and the slit between the cut ring and the double eye plate is less than 0.1 mm, and the groove scratches of 1 mm between them cannot be used, and the direct hanging method can be used.

2. After the trailer mounted pump pumping is completed, pump the mortar with a ratio of 0.15 to 0.25m+3 water to cement ratio of 1:1.5 or 1:2, then fill the distribution valve with water, start pumping, and send the mortar to the pouring address until the outlet of the delivery tube flows out of the clear water. Assuming that the pipe is short and the cleaning effect is good, the cleaning process ends here.

trailer mounted concrete pump

3. When the pipeline is long or the cleaning effect is not good, open the hopper discharge door, open the reverse pump, and clean the hopper and distribution valve. If pumping up and the height is above 20m, we can use a wooden hammer to strike the bottom part of the vertical part. If the knocking sound is low, we need to disassemble the elbow and pour out the large aggregate that may accumulate.    

4. Close the discharge door and pump the clean water until it flows out of the clear water at the output end of the delivery pipe.

The above is the cleaning method of trailer concrete pump that we introduced. The advantage of the direct lifting method is that it is not necessary to remove the material feeding tube and the cleaning ball, which saves time and is easy to pump, which is especially convenient for cleaning short pipelines.

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