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How to reduce traffic accidents by concrete mixer trucks

2019-03-11 16:46:37

As elaborated in Why are concrete mixer trucks street killers, the main causes for traffic accidents of concrete mixer trucks include poor traffic environment, climatic conditions, overload and inappropriate driving, among which the latter two can be controlled by relative measures.

There are two ways to solve the problem of of overload of 6m3 concrete mixer truck machines. First, make sure that newly produced mixer trucks for sale are of a given capacity. Owing to the fact that delivery cost is directly related to the tank volume of a mixer truck, truck owners pursue bigger and bigger tanks blindly, which leads to the chain reaction that cement mixer trucker manufacturers begin supplying trucks with larger tanks. Therefore, the administration should make definite rules about tank volume ranges and have truck manufacturers follow the rules strictly. Figures show that hundreds of thousands of unqualified concrete mixer trucks are travelling on the road every day. Second, overloaded concrete mixer trucks should not be allowed out of the concrete batching plant area. However, decrease in load greatly increases delivery cost of concrete, which proves to be a huge pressure for concrete suppliers.

6m3 concrete mixer truck

Recently the traffic administrations launched a series of measures against illegal driving. First, big and small concrete mixer truck vehicles are not allowed to travel on the road unless they are equipped with a motor vehicle restricted zone permit (tank truck). Valid for one month, the permit strictly and accurately identifies the route of cement mixer trucks as far as possible from commercial areas, schools and residential areas. Second, the forbidden roads for trucks are strictly regulated. Heavy trucks are prohibited from passing through areas with large traffic volumes. The traffic police department often carries out special rectification through various channels and means. The rectification contents are: whether the driving license is legal, whether the vehicle is inspected annually, the driver's score, whether the pass is used according to the regulations, whether the peak period is driving according to regulations, and whether the number plate is clear. Constantly increase supervision, hold regular meetings, report accidents, criticize education, and strictly control the source to curb death traffic accidents.

It turns out that traffic accidents by concrete mixer trucks are preventable and controllable. If the supervision is in place, the various chains in the industry can balance social responsibility, social benefits and economic benefits.

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