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How to strengthen the control of waste in YHZS75 concrete mixing plant

2018-08-01 17:10:37

First of all, the solid waste of YHZS75 concrete mixing station should be classified, managed and stored reasonably to improve the recycling rate. The waste residue shall be disposed of at the designated place according to the design requirements, and the domestic garbage shall be disposed of in time. Do not use products that are not prohibited by the state and cannot be degraded in the natural environment. Abandoning the market should first be constructed after the guard to prevent pollution of the river. The spoil ground shall be abandoned by the embankment according to the design documents. The spoil area shall be completed with slopes, drainage slopes and platforms according to the regulations. The finished areas shall be neatly cornered, the roads support, protection and greening shall be done in time and don’t destroy the ecological environment.

Secondly, before the construction of portable concrete mixing station, the temporary stacking yard, the retaining wall and the drainage ditch are set up. The waste water from the construction site is discharged into the valley before sedimentation, and the necessary purification measures can be taken to eliminate it.

YHZS75 mobile concrete batching plant

Finally, when transporting products or raw materials that are likely to have an impact on the environment, it is necessary to prevent leakage and overflow so as to ensure safety. Eliminate the occurrence of environmental pollution accidents. In the event of an accident during transportation, causing leakage, loss, spillage or chemical reaction of the pollutants, and affecting the environment, the transportation and escort personnel shall take timely measures to prevent greater environmental pollution. At the same time, report to the local environmental protection department promptly and wait for the investigation and processing. When the earth and stone transport passes through the official road, the car must raise the car baffle, and it will not fall off the road and the surrounding area of the residential area, and will not pollute the river. The abandoned area in the planning area should be leveled and added with protective facilities. Do not discharge sewage, oil, chemical products waste into rivers, which will pollute water sources.

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