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How to improve serving life of cement mixer truck for sale

2018-08-22 17:16:58

How to improve the life of cement mixer truck for sale has always been a problem. Haomei Machinery believes that only by doing a good job can better improve the life of HM12-D concrete mixer truck, the following small series will give you a brief introduction to the maintenance of mixer trucks for sale.

1, new concrete mixer truck maintenance, also known as test run maintenance. The new concrete truck or the overhauled vehicle needs to be commissioned. After the test run, the vehicle must be maintained. The main contents are: cleaning the lubrication system; replacing the lubricating oil; retightening the cylinder head nut according to the specified button moment; checking and adjusting the transmission belt, the operating mechanism, the valve clearance and the fastening of the connecting parts.

2, shift maintenance, also known as daily maintenance. The concrete mixer truck should be cleaned and inspected after each shift (days). When the lubricant and cooling water are found to be insufficient, they should be re-added.

HM12-D Concrete Mixer Truck

3, regular maintenance, also known as maintenance in accordance with the prescribed period. That is to say, the technical maintenance is generally mentioned. Small tractors have two grades, cement trucks have three grades, and large and medium tractors have four grades. Each level of maintenance has a maintenance content and a defined maintenance cycle, and the machine should be completed on time and in accordance with the project.

4, seasonal maintenance, this is a seasonal maintenance that will be carried out temporarily before the winter season or in the summer. Its purpose is to adapt the work of the vehicle to the requirements of changing the situation.

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