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HM12-D concrete mixer truck needs cleaning and maintenance

2018-08-02 16:55:34

For the cleaning of concrete mixer trucks, the first thing we think of is the internal and external cleaning of the tank. The cement mixer truck for sale transports the cement, and the cement is easy to agglomerate in a short time. The agglomeration has a corrosive effect on the mixing drum and the agglomeration increases. The volume of the mixing drum will be reduced, so the feeding port should be kept moist before feeding to reduce the excessive adhesion of the concrete to the feeding port, and the dis charging port should be cleaned every time after the site is unloaded. Then, inject 40L clean water into the mixing drum, and let the mixing drum rotate slowly to better clean. The blades in the mixing drum should also be viewed frequently, and the concrete attached above should be cleaned in time. Clean the sewage in the mixing drum every time before loading. The outside of the can is also cleaned frequently.

The supporting wheel should also be well maintained. The supporting wheel of HM12-D concrete mixing truck should be regularly filled with grease. The surface of the supporting wheel should always clean the concrete attached to it and then oil it, so as to avoid the wear of the supporting wheel and prolong the use life.

HM12-D Concrete Mixer Truck

The radiator of the concrete mixer truck is also the maintenance focus. Check the fan of the radiator for normal operation every day. Clean the dust on the blade in time. The filter core of the radiator should be replaced regularly. The accuracy of the filter should be consistent with the original filter.

For the maintenance of the hydraulic pump, the hydraulic oil must be cleaned. In general, the sediment sewage must be prevented from entering the hydraulic oil. Once the hydraulic oil and hydraulic components are found to be contaminated with cement sand, the hydraulic oil must be cleaned and replaced immediately.

In summer, the weather is hot and the temperature rises. It is a season that is easy to puncture. Therefore, the driver who drives the concrete mixer truck should cool the tires in time to avoid a puncture accident.

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