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Rainy season construction precautions for concrete pumps

2018-08-03 16:21:09

In the operation of concrete pumps, the construction environment is often different. For trailer concrete pumps, the construction in the rainy season is mainly based on prevention. Rain prevention measures and drainage methods are adopted to ensure normal production during the rainy season and reduce seasons impact.

Construction tips of HBT90S1821-200 Trailer Concrete Pump:

1. Rain awnings, ponchos and other rainproof articles are transported to the concrete pouring site, raincoats, rain boots are sent to workers, mechanical equipment is covered with rain, and special personnel are sent for inspection. At the same time, we will do a good job of temporary drainage facilities, strengthen the finished products in the rainy season, and protect semi-finished products to prevent floods. Strengthen the maintenance and repair of construction access roads to ensure smooth traffic during the rainy season.

2. Do a good job in the reserve work of construction materials and necessary materials in the rainy season. The cement store is guaranteed not to leak rain, the ground is not damp, and drainage ditch is arranged around it. And carry out safety inspections on all electrical equipment, implement rain-proof measures, and make arrangements for on-site mechanical equipment parking to ensure that construction is not affected by rain.

concrete pump

3. All materials should be piled off the ground, covered and protected, the ground should be dry, drainage measures should be taken around, and the steel materials should be high waterproof. At the same time, the template ensures that the support system should be supported on a firm and solid foundation. Columns and plates, wall templates should be cleaned to avoid water and accumulation.

4. The template for applying the water-soluble release agent should prevent the release agent from being washed away by rain to ensure smooth and safe demolding and concrete surface quality. Moreover, the welding of steel bars shall not be carried out on rainy days to prevent the welds or joints from being brittle.

During the rainy season construction of trailer concrete pump, the moisture content of the sand and gravel should be measured in time, and the mix ratio should be adjusted at any time to ensure the quality of the concrete. The weighing scale regularly checks the accuracy and sensitivity to ensure accurate measurement. In case of heavy rain, stop construction immediately. Continuously poured concrete, prepare rain gear well, and adjust the construction mix ratio.

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