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Pumping precautions for Trailer Concrete Pump HBT80S1813-110

2018-08-03 17:09:05

For concrete pumps, estimate the amount of concrete remaining in the transfer line at the end of the pumping of the pump, as these concretes can be used after washing with water or compressed air. Concrete that are discarded during pumping and at the end of pumping should be disposed of in a timely manner in accordance with pre-determined locations and treatment methods.

Pumping precautions for portable concrete pump:

At the end of the pumping, the HBT80S1813-110 concrete pump and the delivery pipe should be cleaned in time. There are two ways to clean concrete pipes, namely water washing and air washing. It is carried out by pushing a sponge ball or a plastic ball with pressurized water or compressed air. In the actual construction, the cleaning of the concrete conveying pipe is washed with water, because the operation is relatively simple and the risk is less than that of air washing.

trailer concrete pump

When washing, the sponge ball should be inserted from the feed port so that there is no gap between the sponge ball and the concrete mixture to prevent the pressure water from passing over the sponge ball concrete. Then the concrete pump runs at a large stroke and at a low speed, and the pump water will generate pressure to push the concrete mixture out, but the cleaning water must not be discharged into the poured concrete.

When air-washing, the concrete pump runs at a large stroke and high speed. The pressure of the air is about 1 MPa, which is more dangerous than washing. Therefore, the operation should be carried out strictly according to the instructions in the operation manual, and the outlet of the conveying pipe should be prevented. Spraying tools, construction workers should also stay away from the exit direction to prevent pellets or sponge balls from flying out.

For concrete pumps, the pump must be pumped back before cleaning the concrete pump to reduce the residual pressure in the line. In the cold season, clean the pipe with warm water, and dry the piston rod to prevent freezing of the piston rod. Do not reach into your hand when cleaning the piston cylinder.

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