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Solution to the lubrication point fails during cement pump truck construction

2018-08-06 16:53:13

The lubrication point of the cement pump truck should always maintain the lubrication function. If the fault occurs, it will affect the normal operation of the construction, and it may cause mechanical wear. Then how is the failure of the lubrication point of the boom pump truck during construction? Specifically, there are three points:

1. The manual lithium-based grease pump itself has a fault;

3. The lubrication points of the large and small bearing housings and the agitating bushings are blocked at some point or multiple points.

There are two solutions to the above lubrication problems of concrete pump trucks:

cement pump truck

1. Remove the grease outlet of the grease pump and shake the grease pump. It is found that the grease pump can be greased normally and can be easily shaken, indicating that there is no problem with the grease pump;

2. Remove the lubrication points of the large and small bearing blocks and the stirring bushings in turn. During the disassembly process, if it is found that the lubrication point is removed and the grease pump is shaken and the operation is normal, it is judged that the lubrication point is blocked.

Concrete pump trucks and concrete mixing machines have been widely used in construction sites by construction parties. Learning to solve lubrication point failures during construction can greatly improve construction efficiency.

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