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Ready Mix Concrete Mixer Truck Structure

2018-10-09 17:26:10

A ready mix concrete mixer truck is also referred to as a mixer truck, used for delivery of ready mix concrete. Some people also call it field snail truck because of its unique outlook. The truck has a tank which mixes the concrete during delivery so that the concrete inside won’t get solidified before being discharged. After finishing a task, the tank is usually cleaned by water and solidified concrete will be removed in this way.

ready mix concrete mixer truck


The structure of a ready mix concrete mixer truck consists of six parts: engine, hydraulic system, speed reducer, operating device, mixing device and cleaning system. Needless to say, the engine system provides drive for all moving devices of the concrete truck. Together with the hydraulic system, it turns mechanical energy into kinetic energy. The hydraulic system is the carrier and changer from mechanical energy into kinetic energy, sending the kinetic energy to devices in need. Owing to the fact that degree of energy carried by the hydraulic system is out of control and that varied energy may damage devices of the ready mix concrete truck, a speed reducer is applied to integrate the energy from the hydraulic system. The operating system functions to control rotation direction and speed of the mixing tank, and to realize discharge of concrete by controlling movement of mixing blades which are parts of the mixing device. The cleaning system helps to improve the structure of mixing and operating devices by eliminating remaining concrete that tends to damage the contacting parts, and thus extend the truck’s service life eventually.

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